Using our exclusive combination of assessments and exercises, you will walk away knowing your Super Hero Strength, how to use it personally and professionally to serve others, and what your ultimate vision is and a timeline to accomplish it in.

Your Super Hero Strength is what you uniquely do that helps others. It is based out of your passions, strengths and experiences in life. When you identify it, it can change your life and the lives of others.

This SHAPE Retreat focuses on your Super Hero Strength and your Heart. Your Heart are your Ultimate Goals. Based on who you are, where do you want to go? How do you want to serve others, enjoy life, grow professionally, stay healthy, the list goes on…Join us for this life changing workshop!

S.H.A.P.E. Retreat
Golden, Colorado
Friday, July 27, 2018
8:30am – 4:00pm

Life Changing Agenda

8:30AM – 9AM: Light Breakfast and get settled, Catered outside

9AM – 10AM: Discovering your Super Hero Strength, Terri Starck

10AM – 11AM: Defining your Ultimate Vision, Celeste O’Brien

11AM – Noon: Create your 1 Year Strategic Plan, Terri Starck

Noon – 1PM: Lunch, Catered outside

1PM – 2PM: Living your Perfect Day and Perfect Week, Terri Starck

2PM – 3PM: Identify what holds you back and adjust to align with your new vision, Celeste O’Brien

3PM – 4PM: Execution and Accountability, Celeste and Terri

Investment: $500 $249 (Includes lunch and materials) 

Register for the S.H.A.P.E. Workshop

    After you submit your registration you will be redirected to a page where you can pay the registration fee with PayPal. Your registration will be confirmed once payment is received.