Putting in a lot of effort for little reward?

It’s not lack of effort! It’s knowing where to apply that effort.

Looking to uncover your unique strengths and purpose?

LifePoint helps you focus on a living a life that matters.

Thought being your own boss was the key to freedom?

LifePoint shows you how to work smarter, not harder.

Is your business keeping you up at night?

LifePoint helps you build a strategic plan so you can work ON your business and not IN it.

We guide business owners through a process to uncover your unique purpose in life, coach you to lead from your personal strengths, and then partner with you to set and meet your goals.

So you live the life you are born to lead.

Since 2007, we have helped many clients, big and small.

 Farmers InsuranceGranite & Marble DesignsGarvin's Sewer Up and Up Creative

Step 1: Meet with a LifePoint Strategist

Partner with a LifePoint Advisor

Every LifePoint Advisor is passionately focused on our mission – to help you live the life you are born to lead. You will be paired with your very own advisor who will be more than your business coach. They will become your trusted business advisor, partner, champion, accountability partner and ally. Together, we will set and meet your business and life goals.

Lead from your strengths

Together, we discover what you are uniquely good at – what you are designed to do – so you can lead from these strengths which makes everything easier. We bring light to your unique purpose so you get more out of life by sharing your gifts with those around you. And we uncover what gets in your way, so we can break through barriers and create smart solutions.

Step 3: Working the Plan
Step 2: Setting a Plan

Consistent and measurable progress towards your goals

Whatever your goals may be – grow your business, make more money, find a better work/life balance, unify your team – we lead you through a process to set those goals and create a strategic plan to achieve them. We guide you through several focus areas and provide you with the tools, training and support to be successful.

Start with a Free 1-Hour Business Assessment.

We want to help you be successful in business and life. During this free 1-hour session, we will work through our PinPoint Diagnostics report. By the end of our session, you’ll have a better idea of what it will be like to work with a LifePoint Strategist, and you’ll walk away with some specific next steps to achieve your goals, whether you decide to work with us or not.

Talk with a Strategist