Growth Pointers
Does Your Business Need a Yearly Physical?
We all know how important it is to be proactive with our health by having a yearly physical. Although there may still be challenges with our health (think Bob Harper’s recent heart attack), the chances are greatly diminished if we get a checkup.
The Power of the Perfect Week!
In order to overcome what gets in your way, we focus on what we do want. The key here is focus and intentionality. Most business owners have great ideas. It is our ability to concentrate and prioritize on the most important tasks that allows us to achieve our vision faster.
Number One Way to Grow Your Business!
You are sitting on a gold mine right in your current client base…..
What Makes A Good Leader?
“Good Leaders…” What is a good leader? And more importantly, how do we learn how to apply what they do to our businesses and lives?
Do You Have a Business Budget?
Many small business owners believe in the lie that your money controls you when in truth we tell our money where to go and what to do. Once we get this into our heads and into our daily behaviors we look at money much differently. Creating a business budget is one of...
The Bronco’s win the Superbowl!
Business Growth Pointers The Bronco’s win the Superbowl! And there you have it – all the hard work the team put in has resulted in the ultimate football success. Watching the game as a Bronco enthusiast it looks easy, right? However, there was a lot more team...
What Most Business Owners Can Learn From Football Coaches
What business owner has not wished that they could get just a little better performance from their people? Unfortunately we often either don’t share our inner thoughts about performance or we do share them, but in a negative manner after the fact.
How Do I Create a Strategic Plan?
Celebrate your successes from last year. Identify what made you successful by answering these questions: Where did your clients come from? What marketing strategies worked? How did you adjust expenses to help your cash flow? Where did you grow as a leader?
Relational Networking
Business Growth Pointers Relational Networking Are you so excited about how you serve others that you can’t wait to tell them? Are your products that good and you know if people use them they will certainly want more? When your service or product is helpful, you tell...